Free in-home estimate!
Receive Furnace Rebate and Incentives when upgrading to a new High Efficiency Furnace. Available with our Furnace Rent to Own Program.
Furnace Rebate and Incentive Program
$250 incentive when you replace your existing furnace with the purchase and installation of a new eligible high-efficiency furnace equipped with an Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM).
$250 incentive when you purchase and install a new ENERGY STAR certified central air conditioning (CAC) system that satisfies at least a 14.5 SEER and 12 EER.
$400 incentive when you purchase and install an ENERGY STAR certified CAC system that satisfies at least a 15 SEER and 12.5 EER
Additional information about Furnace Rebate program can be found at SaveOnEnergy.ca
IESO Heating & Cooling Incentive

Home Heating Guide
$1600 for achieving 25%-49% gas savings as per post energy audit. $500 covering the full energy audit costs (not including HST): An instant rebate of $150 will be applied to the first audit and $350 for the remainder of the audit cost will be reimbursed in the total remaining incentive amount. Total amount of incentive to homeowner is $1,450
$2100 for achieving 50% or above in gas savings as per post energy audit. $500 covering the full energy audit costs (not including HST): An instant rebate of $150 will be applied to the first audit and $350 for the remainder of the audit cost will be reimbursed in the total remaining incentive amount. Total amount of incentive to homeowner is $1,950
Additional information about the Furnace Rebate program can be found at KnowYourEnergyScore.ca
Enbridge Gas Home Energy Conservation Program